This is a place for me to rant and rave and do whatever I need to feel better about the crap that happens in my life.
Guess my company loves me after all!
Published on March 22, 2006 By redimpulse In Misc
Well after sweating profusely, feeling paranoid, and wondering if I'll have a job come next week; I finally got an answer to my contract issues. I had to contact my contracting agent to get him to spill the beans, but it was good news so I forgive him.
My contract has been renewed for another 6 months! w00T!!!1!!eleventy!1! And they decided to give me my extra 3.50/hr back! So I don't have to dip into my savings or Camaro fund any longer. My bills are happily paid by my current wages again! Huzzah!

Everyone: This Saturday night, BEER'S ON ME!

Guess what I'm trying to say is, THANK GOD.

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