This is a place for me to rant and rave and do whatever I need to feel better about the crap that happens in my life.
Just threw out my Camels.
Published on March 21, 2006 By redimpulse In Misc
Well, here we go. I've said it many times, and started many times, but this has to be the final. Today, at 3:36 PM MST, I give up smoking. I've been smoking for far too long, and I'm really more intelligent than this. My daughter doesn't need to be put through it, either. So here we go. Day 1, hour 1. And it's here for the world to see.

If I screw up and pick up smoking again, I'll be sure and let you guys know. Then you can all come by and smack me one. Seriously.

on Mar 21, 2006
Good luck, hope it works out. I've been mulling over the idea. That's as much as I can commit to right now, but it's a tiny step in the right direction.
on Mar 21, 2006
next month makes 8 years since I quit. I know it's a cliche, but: IF I CAN DO IT ANYBODY CAN! The cravings DO go away BTW. Although I hate to tell you it took me a good five years to say I was really "over it." It's worth it though! Even though I still occasionally dream about the damn things it's worth it. Good luck!